Why do you want to add a new fireplace or upgrade your existing fireplace? Your home may rely in part on your fireplace for warmth. It creates a wonderful, relaxing and cozy ambiance. A gas or wood fireplace can be the focal point of your room whether your decor is cabin, traditional or fully modern.
We feature energy efficient gas and electric fireplaces which can help reduce heating costs in the winter so you rely less on central heating. Finally, a beautiful fireplace upgrade or addition can increase the appeal and resale value of your home.
An electric fireplace simulates the look and feel of a traditional fireplace by using electricity.
Electric Fireplaces
A wood-burning fireplace is the traditional fireplace that uses wood logs as fuel.
Wood-Burning Fireplaces
We stock energy-efficient gas and wood-burning stoves and inserts that can reduce heating costs or completely replace central heating
Stoves and Inserts
A direct vent fireplace is much more efficient than a traditional wood-burning fireplace and nearly as efficient as a vent-free fireplace.
Direct Vent Fireplaces
A vent free fireplace is designed to burn natural gas or propane indoors without a chimney or vent.
We offer a wide selection of both in-stock and custom order mantels. Our non-combustible, handcrafted mantels are made with top-grade materials and made in the USA.
Elegant, durable, and simple to install. Elevate your home's design and ambiance with our wide variety of styles, sizes, shapes, and colors.
Artisan Kraft offers exceptionally crafted stone mantels in marble, modern, limestone or ornamental.
Gas grills are versatile, convenient, easy to clean and maintain as well as producing fewer taste-altering chemicals by eliminating the need for lighter fluid. If you still love the taste and smell of charcoal, the Big Green Egg is one of the most popular choices for grilling enthusiasts.
The versatile egg can grill, smoke, bake, and roast.
Big Green Egg
Carts and standalone grills are packed with features, options, and convenience.
Cart or Standalone Grills
Create a seamless, integrated look for your outdoor cooking space.
A vent-free firebox is a simple, effective, and cost conscious method of heating your home. A fire-box is a prefabricated metal enclosure that can be easily fit into the framing of your home or even place into an independent cabinet built to the proper specifications.